Special Features:
The Art of Placement is an instructional archive chronicling over 20 years of the Feng Shui teachings of H.H. Professor Lin-Yun, produced by Katherine Metz.

Designed to deepen your working understanding of Black Sect Feng Shui at all levels of experience. Addressing the personal and professional challenges of practicing this ancient art in the modern world.

Katherine’s Health Packet and Resource Section Summary
To watch Professor work is perhaps one of the most profound experiences of my life. I have been blessed to be in his presence as he works with students in class, and clients on site. Each and every time, I learn about the force and power of the ch’i that he has cultivated since the age of six. If you watch carefully, you can see his ch’i move; from his hand as he shakes hands with someone in need of strength, from his third eye as he calms someone who is distraught, and from his heart as he opens himself in service to another.

Tears often flow as I stand witness to his skill and dedication. My heart is wide open, for his work reminds me of all that is possible. I am well because he listened carefully, and gave me answers that were inspired by his lineage, his intellect, his understanding, and his gentleness, humor, and generosity. I am well because he had the foresight to share with all of us his uncommon way of knowing the world.

Every day I get stronger, knowing that this is our work also, and knowing that the gifts I have been given are meant to be passed on. I wrote this packet in the spirit of “Pure Professor,” honoring his knowledge by chronicling his suggestions for healing as succinctly as possible. However, it will be your gift of reason, your genius, and your discretion that will inspire the choices you make. You must cultivate your ch’i if you wish to use this information to its best advantage.

Throughout the packet, I have made suggestions for your own healing and cultivation. Please begin at the beginning, for all the information herein is meant to be used in the context of your own strength and clarity. Without them, the cures become only prescriptions, and treatment for an illness may not be completely successful. You must become the life force, the power behind this ancient wisdom.

I have chronicled this information for over twenty-one years, and I do not believe that you can find it anywhere else, in any form. I have worked to structure the material, creating a body of knowledge that is easily understood, accessible, and relevant to your work. You will find a Table of Contents here, and you can see how easy it is to find what you are looking for. For those of you who may have studied with Professor for years, I think you will be pleased to find that you no longer need to search through your notebooks for an answer that is needed immediately. I also know that you will find many important new pieces of information.

There is also a Resource Section to support the suggestions made in the Packet. For instance, it is suggested in the Packet that you can use the Three Flute Method to help a child with dyslexia. The Resource Section will include the details of this method, and other methods, cures, and meditations mentioned throughout the Packet. The contents of the Resource Section are also listed here.

The Health Packet and Resource Section can be purchased separately, however, they work together and it is difficult to separate them unless you have studied Black Sect Feng Shui with Professor for a considerable period of time. If you are new to this work, I suggest that you purchase both the Packet and the Resource Section. If you have studied Black Seck Feng Shui, especially directly with Professor, purchase the Packet and see if you have the knowledge necessary to follow through on the suggestions made. If you find some missing pieces, you will find them in the Resource Section.

In addition to the sections described above, you can purchase public mentoring time if you find you have questions or would like further instruction. This mentoring time will be available upon request. Simply call The Art of Placement at 415.829.2981, or email Katherine.

This compilation of Professor’s teachings has been a journey of faith and diligence. Its placement on the web was an important and carefully considered decision. It matters to me that you are interested in Professor’s teachings. It matters to me that you have the information you need to work effectively, grounded in the basics, understanding the subtleties, and inspired by the wisdom of Professor Lin. As we work together on the web, I can come to know you. We can interact, sharing what we know, and what we question. We can create a relationship that strengthens the Feng Shui community and its contribution to the health of individuals and communities. I invite your participation, and I welcome the interaction.

The use of the web is beneficial in other important ways:

The document is dynamic, and will be updated every year. You can purchase the revised document every year, and will be notified when it is ready.

The digital document allows the information to be searchable and cross-referenced. You can search for a specific word or phrase, and the results will point you to related documents. This will save time and lead to ideas and solutions you may not have considered.

Placing this information on the web site allows me to continue to honor the tradition of the red envelope.

It is my hope that this effort will deepen your insight, and broaden your knowledge about the transcendental frontier of healing contained within the realm of Black Sect Buddhist thought and tradition. As you claim this knowledge as your own, you are cultivating the ability to give whatever is needed – the quality of a Bodhisattva.

I often hear Professor whispering over my shoulder.

May his whispers guide and comfort you as you turn these pages.


© 2008 Email Katherine

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